I had the opportunity to take classes I would have never been able to see if it wasn’t for this chance happening. I also got to sit in and meet a lecture by none-other-than Burt Rutan!<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.core77.com\/posts\/11989\/autodesk-university-2008-burt-rutan-on-innovation-11989<\/a><\/p>\n Most of these links are now removed, but serves as a good reminder of my experience:<\/p>\n A sampling of blog posts in no particular order:<\/p>\n Mind blown. Coming right out of college with a Masters of Architecture I thought I had a good … <\/a>Mind blown. Coming right out of college with a Masters of Architecture I thought I had a good grasp on the industry, software and where it was all heading.\u00a0Although the recession had just started, most of this year’s AU was already set in stone so I got the full conference experience without all the cheap-outs.<\/p>\n